
Monday, December 5, 2011

Peace and Storm

Rain Man can have a peaceful presence. Whenever you hear it rain, it is great sleeping weather. Rain Man can also be loud. When he wants to be heard, he shouts with the sound of the roaring thunder. When it’s raining and thundering, it keeps crime down. Nobody wants to be out in the storm. Sometimes Rain Man gets tired of being in the clouds, and sometimes he likes to visit his girlfriend he left behind. When he wants to get closer, he leaves the clouds. Rain Man can sense his girlfriend thinking of him when he is heavy on her mind. He remembered that she said that she could see things when she was a little girl. Rain Man knew she had hidden abilities. Sometimes whenever his girlfriend would be alone at night, she could slightly see him with her eyes open. Sometimes it was hard to tell whether she was seeing him with the physical eye or the spiritual eye. It seemed like both to her at the same time. Rain Man paid her a visit when it was raining. It was a peaceful night, and his girlfriend slept peacefully knowing that he was near.